
Hair Loss is a Major Problem

Many people are scared to become bald, both male and female. Many of them worry when they see an amount of hair in their basin after shampooing.  But as a matter of fact, our hair naturally loses about 50-100 hairs. The hairs removed often stays on our head. So when we take a shower we see a lot of hair in the basin, truth is this hair had been shed earlier.It is really hard to tell if your hair is starting to get thin. Bald spots may be one of the signs but there is no assurance for it. There is a way to find out if your hair is starting to thin. The so-called “Tug test”, using your thumb and index finger, hold about 15-20 strands of hair. Pull it firmly and slowly. If more than 6 hairs were removed, you can say it is starting to get thin.Hair loss can be caused by heredity and such major illness. Hair loss is generally a major problem for adults (elderly). But in some cases, teens start to loss their hair too. It is a great sign that there is something going wrong. Hair loss in adolescence stage is caused by illness or improper diet. Some caused by medical treatments, like chemotherapy. Wearing hairstyles that pulls hair also causes it, like braids, because there is tension on it.  Losing hair is really a great worry especially for teenagers that are concern with their appearance.

 The good news is, in adolescence stage it is really often happening. Once the causes of it were corrected, hair usually grows back. Here are common mistakes of people about hair loss. It is not true that when you brush your hair about 100 times it will be stimulated. It might only cause you hair injury. Hairs really don’t breath. They get their oxygen from our blood in our scalps. Our hair will be damaged only because of wig or caps if it is too tight. Frequent cleansing and shampooing of hair is really not one cause of hair falling. Most hairs that are being removed by shampoo are the hairs that are already fallen out. Protein-containing conditioners and shampoos help our hair grow and nourished? False. It only fills the surface of the hair shaft. Making it thicker and much smoother.We must take care of our hair to prevent hair loss, avoid too much style that would put tension on it. Avoid unnecessary gadgets for our hair to maintain its natural beauty.
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Cause of Hair Loss in Teens and Adults

There are many causes of hair loss. Both men and women can obtain it. It can be because of nutritional deficiency, hormone imbalance, stress, and diseases. But generally the most common cause of it is called adrogenetic alopecia. It is the medical term for hair loss or baldness. Adrogenetic refers to the influence of androgens (male hormones), and genetic predisposition to balding can be the reason of such a hair loss.Genetic is not that simple, and also the hair loss case. Just the presence of someone in your family of balding is not enough to predict that you will also become bald. It is really hard to predict who will go bald and how fast will it be. That is why planning for hair restoration will be very important for those people who gets alarmed about it.Normal man and women produce androgenic hormones. Dihydrotestosterone, androsteinedione, testosterone (DHT) is the most common. For men Testicles and adrenals are the one to produce it. For women ovaries and adrenal glands are the one to produce. These hormones are important for both sexes. But have different concentrations, and this is more predominant for males than females. This in part, differentiates the genders. Exposure of hair follicles to DHT, in a susceptible person, in a period of time leads to male and female pattern to baldness or the so-called adrogenetic alopecia. There is no exact age for balding occurrence. Balding is a process, simple yet this fact is often ignored. This process can be slow or rapid. It usually starts at late teens. Illnesses and medical conditions is one of the causes of hair loss. Such as thyroid disease and diabetes, can cause hair loss. Those people with liver and kidney diseases and lupus can also have baldness. Adult women and teen girls can have hair loss due to hormone imbalance in polycystic ovary syndrome.Medications such as acne medicines cause hair loss. Amphetamines in diet pills can also cause hair loss. And the very known medication that causes hair loss is chemotherapy.Alopecia areata is a skin disease than causes hair loss on the scalp and sometimes on the body. It is an autoimmune disease. The own immune system is the one to damage the hair follicles. Alopecia areata starts as small bald patches and can progress to total baldness.Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which a person pulls his/her own hair that can also lead to hair loss. Hair treatments and styling the hair gives tension to scalp and hair becomes damaged and leads to hair loss. Nutrition is also one factor of baldness because of lack of protein, vitamins and minerals that sustains the hair. Disruption of hair cycle growth is also a problem. Like delivering a baby, getting anesthesia, or having surgery.


Treatment of Hair Loss for Women to Regrow Hair Fast and Naturally

Thinning hair is increasingly becoming more common in women. Nearly 40 percent of adult women will start losing some hair by the time they reach middle age. This condition not only affects a woman's hair. It can also impact her self-esteem since women spend a lot of time and money on hair care products in order to keep their tresses looking nice. The natural treatment of hair loss is preferred by many women because they do not want to risk experiencing the side effects which may occur if they use medicated hair regrowth treatments.
Female Pattern Baldness
In most cases, female thinning hair is caused by androgenic alopecia, which is often referred to as female pattern baldness. Women with this condition tend to have excessive amounts of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in their bodies. Women produce this hormone in their ovaries.
DHT causes the hair to fall out in large quantities by attacking the follicles. New hair is unable to grow in because of the weakened state of the follicles. For women with this condition, the best treatment of hair loss is a product which reduces the production of DHT.
Vitamin Deficiencies
Many women who are losing their hair are not getting enough vitamins and nutrients. Vitamin B is crucial in order for the strands to be able to grow. This vitamin helps the strands maintain their cellular structure. It also strengthens the strands and gives them a healthy glow.
Hormonal Changes
The hormonal changes which occur in women's bodies after they have a baby or when they are going through menopause can also cause thinning hair. In these cases, a natural treatment of hair loss may not be necessary. Sometimes the hair resumes its normal growth cycle after the hormonal levels return to normal.
Herbal Treatment of Hair Loss
Green tea can help regrow hair in women who have androgenic alopecia. The tea has compounds which reduce the production of DHT. Saw palmetto is another effective herb which can be used as a natural treatment of hair loss. It also curbs the production of DHT.
It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5267537


Start Regrowing Hair Now - Keep DHT In Its Place

One of the fastest ways to start regrowing your hair is to stop DHT. This is responsible for 90% of hair loss in both men and women. That's a pretty big number, and there is an equal percentage of people attacking their thinning hair problem the wrong way.
If you have thought about relying on a treatment such as some type of prescription baldness drug like finasteride, these drugs will stop DHT. However many of them target the root enzyme 5 alpha reductase that turns testosterone into this hair killing hormone. Your body actually needs some DHT in order to function properly. By getting rid of too much DHT, you can end up with various health problems that just aren't worth it.
Naturally treating this condition is the best route to take. Your body actually produces certain enzymes designed to help eradicate excess hormones in the body. The reason your hair is falling out is due to excessive amounts of hormones being formed in it.
For example both men and women produce testosterone to help certain functions in the body. When there is too much of this hormone being produced, you'll start to notice changes happening. Hair loss is one of those changes since this extra testosterone is being converted into DHT. This extra DHT then goes on to attack your hair follicles.
Exercising and doing physical activities such as canoeing, jogging, hiking and running will produce the necessary steroid metabolizing enzymes that actually get rid of DHT and other excess hormones. Make it your goal to do some physical activity each week.
If you have excess body fat then you will definitely want to work on reducing some of it. Body fat has the ability to act as its own endocrine system, producing hormones in the body that can lead to hair loss. The less body fat you have, the better your chances of stopping DHT production and regrowing hair.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5946270
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Stop Hair Loss in Women Now

When hair grows, it goes through cycles. These cycles vary for each person although most are anywhere from two to six years long. Interestingly, at any given time, 90% of a person's hair grows and the remaining 10% is simply resting, which in about two months falls out or is pulled out with brushing so new hair can grow. Every day, up to 100 strands of hair are gone. Now, when a person loses more than 100 strands daily it could be the result of a medical condition or perhaps something else. Obviously, this leads to hair loss, which is difficult, especially for women.
Hair thinning is caused by several things such as hormones, genetics, aging, etc. Women sometimes experience hair loss only temporarily so after the problem is corrected, the hair can grow back. Often, making subtle changes in lifestyle is all that is needed for women to stop having problems with hair loss. However, to determine the real cause of hair loss in women, it is important to see a doctor.
If the problem is thinning hair, it could be genetics. In other words, if someone in the family has thinning hair, it could be a hereditary issue. Even if the problem is genetics, you still have options for fixing the problem. The key is to understand the real problem so the right treatment can be provided. Obviously, the goal is to stop additional hair loss while helping new hair to grow.
Any treatment should help refresh but also tighten the area of the scalp where the hair is thinning or falling out. When elasticity is restored and hair shafts reinforced, the problem of hair loss would end. However, remember that in addition to treating the head, it is also important that the inside of the body be healthy.
One product that has been proven beneficial is called Provillus, which comes in formulas for men and women. This natural and safe product can help lost hair grow back. Made from a topical solution, it is applied to the affected area of the scalp twice daily. Provillus contains 2% Minoxidil, which is a hair loss ingredient approved by the FDA. In addition, Provillus comes as a dietary supplement that is taken two times each day. By adding vitamins and minerals to the topical treatment, both the inside and the outside of the body's health is being promoted.
Once you start taking Provillus, you would begin to see changes very quickly. Remember, in addition to stopping additional hair loss, this treatment also helps by stimulating the growth of new hair

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3579212
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Secrets To Preventing Hair Loss

Being bald is not something people welcome. Unfortunately, the hair loss condition is very much a reality for most people today. The good thing about it, though, is that anyone can do something in preventing hair loss.
Knowing Your Hair Loss
Hair loss usually stem from the same causes. The most common type of hair loss is actually caused by genes and hormones. This is not the only type of hair loss though. These days, you can also lose your worries over stress, nutrient deficiency and tight hairstyles. The first step to preventing hair loss is to know exactly why your hair is falling. Once you know the cause, you can find the right treatment.
Diet and Exercise
Dieting and exercising may not do much if your condition is genetic or hereditary. They can however, help in preventing hair loss due to nutrient deficiency. It is a known fact that the kinds of popular food available these days are loaded with fats and carry few nutrients. It is also a fact that having less of some nutrients like iron, magnesium, zinc and B complex vitamins can cause hair fall. The best solution to this is to eat a nutritious diet. Exercising regularly will also improve your blood circulation which is crucial for the efficient distribution of nutrients to your hair.
Telogen effluvium is a type of hair loss in which a person suddenly suffers from temporary but profuse hair shedding. It is believed that one possible cause of this is stress. Preventing hair loss of this type may mean that you have to learn how to relax. Of course, what is relaxing for some may not be so for others. Generally though, basic relaxation techniques are also methods for preventing hair loss. You can learn basic breathing techniques or progressive muscle relaxation. Others may want to move on to higher meditation or yoga. Sometimes, a simple break from work or listening to soothing music may already be relaxing enough.
Letting Your Hair Rest
You might also lose some of your hair if you are too fond of tight hair styles like braids, pony tails and corn rolls. These hair styles can literally pull your hair strands out and may even cause scarring. Preventing hair loss of this kind is easy. You simply have to alternate your hair styles or avoid tight styles altogether.
Styling and coloring may not really cause hair loss. It is still better though not to overdo hair treatments. Using too many chemicals on your hair could cause dryness and damage. Preventing hair loss and damage simply means letting your hair rest.
Taking hair loss supplements would also help in preventing hair loss. Good products can help provide you with whatever nutrient your body is missing. Some supplements also contain natural DHT blockers for individuals who have hair loss due to the action of DHT.
Hair loss prevention may not be as difficult as you think. You simply have to learn to be gentle to your hair and yourself. A clean, natural, stress free lifestyle is the right way to decrease hair loss.
Discover the secrets of preventing hair loss. Get the latest update on new hair loss treatment that works!

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Hair Loss - Causes and Treatments

One of the most common problems that affect people all around the world is hair loss. Hair loss affects both men and women, though it is generally more common in men. The onset of hair loss can have a debilitating effect on one's sense of self-image and oftentimes hair loss will coincide with a loss in self-confidence. In order to get the best kind of treatment for hair loss, it is important to separate the myths from the truth and understand the various kinds of hair loss.
Hair loss has been found to be generally more prevalent among males though hair loss in females in not uncommon. The most common form of hair loss is known as androgenic alopecia, which consists of a gradual thinning of the hair, which eventually leads to hair loss. The most extreme form is alopecia universalis where there is total hair loss all over the body. Hair loss is a natural side effect of old age but some men can experience hair loss as early on as during the onset of puberty.
The causes of hair loss are also varied. A popular belief states that hair loss is inherited through the maternal side but the chances of inheriting this trait are 50%. Myths relating to hair loss have been found to range from wearing hats that are too tight to standing on one's head for too long- these however are myths and nothing more. The actual causes for hair loss are varied- exposure to chemicals; poisons and treatments such as chemotherapy are known to lead to hair loss. Another factor is undue stress, emotional or otherwise, trauma and depression. Certain illnesses also induce hair loss as a symptom. Tumors and various kinds of outgrowths of the skin have also resulted in hair loss. Another very important cause is an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. It has been proven that a sedentary way of life coupled with a diet that is high in fat and calorie intake more often than not results in early hair loss.
Perhaps due to the fact that hair loss is such a common problem, there are a number of remedies that have been on the market for years that help in dealing with hair loss. There is also much research being done using stem cell research and cloning in order to induce hair multiplication. This however it still in its testing stages but does prove that many advancements are being made today in the field of treating hair loss.
The best way to treat the threat of hair loss is to take care of your hair while it is healthy. This includes a proper diet that is low in fatty intake and an exercise regiment that focuses on vigorous aerobic activity on a daily basis. It is also important to clean and nourish the scalp and hair on a regular basis. However some people may require more direct methods to deal with hair loss. There are a number of products available on the market today but before trying any of these out, it is important to know how one should approach any hair loss treatment.
Before embarking on any hair loss treatment, it is important to remember that even if a treatment is successful, it may be some time before any visible results can be seen. In order to minimize the number of mistakes that could affect a successful hair treatment and ensure its success, it is helpful to remember the three principles of hair treatment, otherwise known as the 3 Ps. The first is Proven Treatments- there are a number of questionable hair treatment products available that could have adverse effects. Always use treatments that are approved and proven to show results. The second is Pictures- take pictures at various stages of the hair treatment in order to gain a better idea of whether the treatment is working and how it is working. The last P is perhaps the most important one and that is Patience. No hair treatment will give any results over night- it can take up to six months for the treatment to start working and almost two years before best results can be seen. It is important to understand that hair growth occurs in cycles and this in turn will affect the time in which a hair treatment will start to show results.
Among the proven and popular forms of hair loss treatment is Minoxidil, also known on the market as Rogaine. Though this has proven to be effective, the hair usually only grows at the top of the head and is thin and light. Another popular hair treatment is Finasteride, otherwise known as Propecia. This also promotes hair growth primarily in the crown area but is not recommended for women who are pregnant or are potentially pregnant. A number of other methods of hair treatments involve the application of Copper Peptides and Antiandrogens and herbal treatments such as Saw Palmetto. Hair transplants and scalp reductions are some other measures for treating hair loss though they are considerably more expensive and considered more extreme. In the future, hair loss will be able to be treated more effectively than ever using methods like Hair Multiplication, which consists of multiplying existing hair follicles and injecting them into the scalp. This exciting new treatment will induce the growth of healthy hair and is expected to hit the markets on a few years.
Hair loss is not something to be feared- as long as we understand what causes hair loss we can take steps in order to not only stop hair loss but also to induce the growth of new hair. With the right treatments and a little patience, hair loss can quickly become a thing of the past.
Know Effective Hair Loss Remedy through Natural Treatment. Also read some Home Remedy for other common ailments.
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Hair Loss - Hair Health

The hair on your head is dead protein. The live part of hair lies below the scalp. There are parts of the hair on your head that may be several years old. So although hair is resilient, it can suffer wear and damage from many years of brushing, combing, styling, the environment, etc. It's worthwhile to handle and manipulate hair as little as you can get away with to minimize the harm done from too much of it.
Hair is not made healthier or shinier or more lustrous by the friction and tugging that occurs as a result of combing , brushing and styling. And while it's important for a number of reasons to keep hair clean - washing it too much can strip it of scalps oils. and leave it dry and prone to damage. A moderate regimen of care and conditioning can help to ensure that your hair is as healthy as it can be.
There are lots of folks who have experienced the heartbreak and anxiety of hair loss due the to constant stressing of their hair. This stress can be caused by consistent pulling and tugging of hair, overly tight braids, ponytails, certain hairstyles, the over use of harsh chemicals, or too many applications of hot combs or blow dryers. The abuse of any of these hair treatments can result in weakening of the hair and excess shedding.
As the hair is part of the body, it responds positively to the overall health and well being of the rest of the body. And while healthy living, exercise, adequate nutrition and a low-stress lifestyle cannot reverse pattern baldness; you can be sure that it will in no way contribute to it, or be the cause of any atypical hair loss.
Getting regular exercise is important for whole body function, not just for hair. It's not necessary (or even desirable, really) to spend hours working out or running to keep the body functioning near its optimal level. A reasonable exercise program undertaken a few times a week is really all you need to counter balance the effects of an otherwise sedentary life and questionable nutrition.
And crash or extreme diets do nothing to add to hair health. A well-balanced and healthy diet with recommended amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables is best. And because hair is protein, it is important to eat adequate amounts of it to maintain hair health. For those who are vegetarians, there may be an increased level of diligence needed to ensure sufficient protein is taken in.
There have been studies that link some hair loss problems to some kinds of vitamin deficiencies. Eating a healthy diet can supply much of what's needed in vitamins and minerals. If you want to be sure that all needed nutrients for healthy hair are taken in then supplements can supply them. Amino acids, vitamin A and B vitamins are important, as are some minerals such as magnesium, sulfur and zinc.
Just as important for the health of your hair as nutrition and exercise is getting enough rest and sleep. Again, it is vital to the health of your entire body that it be given the opportunity to repair itself during sleep - and it's equally vital for healthy hair. If you're tired all the time and having unusual hair difficulties: there may be a connection between the two.
And if you are under a high level of stress, it can affect your hair as well. In fact, some people actually experience hair loss due a high amount of stress to deal with. If this is a problem for you and you are not able to get away from the stress-producing thing, then try to incorporate some stress relieving activity in your life. Meditation is one of the best ways to minimize stress. Developing the ability to keep your mind free from unwanted thoughts, and to control it's tendency to wander to the future and the past via imagination and memory, can do wonders for one's peace of mind and stress reduction.
Stephanie McIntyre and Wendell Bryant are Internet developers. Visit their site at http://hairlosscentralhome.com/hair-loss-research/

Genetic Hair Loss - Hair Loss Supplements

Has hair loss got you down for many months? If so, then why don't you stop hair loss? Did you just say that you can't, because it's genetic hair loss? Would you believe it if we told you that you can stop hair from falling out, even if it is in your genes?
You see, the solution to that is simple - All you need is hair growth vitamins and the proper diet and you will be able to prevent hair loss. We fully understand that this genetic problem can seem like a curse, but it isn't. It is something that is passed down through many generations.
You could start to experience male baldness at the young age of twenty-seven, but your twin brother may still have a full head of hair. Have you ever noticed just how strange it is when the gene travels through your family? Hairloss is predominate in men, but that does not mean that it cannot appear in some women...
This form of hairloss is something that can be inherited through the genes of the mother. When genetic hair loss forms, the reason behind it is not balding as the hair is not falling out. It is simply the inability to produce more hair.
This is because the hair follicles are going through their normal twenty-five cycles within a small time frame. This in turns will cause those follicles to stop creating hairs much sooner than normal.
This form of hairloss is known as pattern baldness. Why is it referred to as pattern baldness? The reason is because the balding starts to form a distinctive pattern. For instance, many men start to notice their receding hair line. After this, they start to notice that they are slowly developing big patches of bald areas when the hair on the crown of the head starts to think out. In normal circumstances, the remaining hair will be found on the side of the head.
When it comes to genetic hair loss, females have a tendency to bald differently. Progressively, the woman's hair will start to thin over the scalp. Eventually, it will lead to baldness. This form of balding can be treated through surgery. Restoration surgery has become very popular, but it could be a bit on the costly side and most men and women will not be able to afford it.
For those of you that cannot afford restoration surgery, there are some hair growth vitamins that you will be able to take. Those supplements are very popular as they will not only help restore the hair back to normal, but it will stop hair loss from occurring.
At the mere sign of hair loss, you should start to take these supplements. In fact, if baldness is in your genetics, then we recommend you taking the available supplements before you even notice your hair falling out.
In order to find those hair loss supplements, you can do a quick search on the Internet. The supplement you take should contain vitamin B6 and amino acids. Also, Vitamin C is very important for hairloss. No matter what you do, make sure you avoid vitamin A as this can cause hairloss.
Cliff is concerned with the well being of all readers, and believes in taking care of one's health through: Organic foods, Exercise, and Vitamins. Check-out his excellent article on Genetic Hair Loss [http://solutions-for-thinning-hair.com/]. Now on: [http://solutions-for-thinning-hair.com/]

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